TEA Committees 2022-2023
Bargaining Support Committee-as needed basis
1. Plan and implement member activities in support of the bargain.
2. Provide moral support and engagement as a show of solidarity for the Bargaining Team.
3. Examine our own and other locals’ documents to support Bargaining Team requests.
4. Create a communications plan for members and the community.
Bargaining Committee-as needed basis
Budget Committee-monthly meetings
Executive Board Liaisons – Nicole Sterling and Penny Cramer and Jeremy Switzer
Chair – Angel Morton
1. Examine the NEA (National Education Association) Guide to Financial Best Practices for Local Leaders and make recommendations for the budget section of the Tacoma EA policy manual.
2. Examine the price per square foot of our current location and compare it to other locations that may meet our needs.
3. Examine our spending and reallocate funds according to our organization’s values, mission, and vision.
4. Consider any major purchases we may need.
5. Revise the budget report for the AR (Association Representatives) council into a more readable, user-friendly format.
6. Educate members about the budget and its development to better understand our priorities.
7. Establish investment funds and a policy for reserve funds.
8. Prepare a DRAFT proposed budget for 2023-24, including sources of revenue, by June 2023.
9. Recommend appropriate stipends for Executive Board and Association Reps for 2023-2024.
Constitution and Bylaws Committee-quarterly meetings
Executive Board Liaisons – Mark Craypo and Jennifer Vandever
Chair _______________
1. Maintain system for amendments.
2. Make recommendations to the Executive Board on amendments and policies.
3. Create a draft policy manual and work with other committees and executive board to continue writing the Tacoma EA policy manual.
4. Maintain records of Tacoma EA Resolutions.
5. Create a policy for addressing discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying in our union.
Employee Rights Commission-as needed
Executive Board Liaisons – Ann McPartlon and Jennifer Boutell
Chair ___________________
1. Train Association Reps and members on the CBA and MOUs (Memorandum of Understanding).
2. Establish guidelines for how to hold a 10-minute meeting, how to meet with administration, and how to represent a member.
3. Create a guide for how to file a grievance.
4. Grievance escalation.
5. Parliamentary procedure training.
Equity Team-quarterly/monthly meetings
Executive Board Liaisons – Kelly Rampp and Penny Cramer
Co-Chairs – Kobi Wilson and Dammian Tucker
Belief Statements: Students and educators both deserve a system that recognizes their excellence and works to remove barriers so that we all have access to what we need to succeed.
1. Research equity training options to calendar events.
2. Educate members on issues of race, gender, sexuality, identity, and disability to support members and allies.
3. Develop an equity resources page for the website.
4. Plan and host affinity group events and gatherings.
5. Offer/advertise training, book study, etc. opportunities to engage members in the work.
6. Examine governing documents through an equity lens and make recommendations for amendments.
7. Develop a Code of Conduct.
8. Have a point person to address issues of Code of Conduct violations.
Connect Committee (member engagement, community outreach)-monthly meetings
Executive Board Liaisons – Heather Jones, Amanda Shagren, and Jeremy Switzer
Chair ____________________
1. Connect with potential members.
2. Plan social events for members and to include SWEA (Student Washington Education Association) members in the area.
3. Mentorship and union buddies.
4. Listening sessions to engage members regarding issues, concerns, and needs for feedback on communications.
5. Identify community donation priorities and past practice.
6. Establish guidelines for awarding HS scholarships.
7. Establish a connection with TFESP to coordinate scholarships for aspiring educators.
8. Maintain a list of locally owned restaurants.
9. Connect with local businesses (preferably union).
10. Plan participation in at least two community labor events.
11. Create a Tacoma EA events calendar for member access.
12. Establish partnerships with local non-profits who provide resources for educators.
13. Maintain system for recommending and selecting Community Outreach Program (COP) fund donations.
Nominations and Elections Committee-as needed
Executive Board Liaisons – Danita Kiourkas, Mark Craypo
Co-Chairs-Danita Kiourkas, Mark Craypo
1. Review and revise standing rules.
2. Determine election calendar.
3. Liaise with Ballot Point to run election process.
4. Ensure website posting of election notification, standing rules, nomination form, and candidate statements.
5. Act as point of contact for candidates to submit photos, statements, and flyers.
6. Liaise with Constitution and Bylaws Committee in the event of Constitutional Amendments that require full membership vote and Bylaws Amendments on which the Association Reps vote.
Political Action Committee-monthly meetings
Executive Board Liaison Michelle Pigott and Steve Shamblin
Chair – Steve Shamblin
1. Engage members with candidates, elected officials, and legislative action.
2. Provide information to members about candidates, elected officials, and legislative action.
3. Organize PAC chats.
4. Lobby and create communication about priority bills and talking points.
5. Make endorsements for state and local elections.
6. Facilitate PAC Drives.
7. Communicate information from Pierce County CLC about events and opportunities for TEA to support other unions.